Welcome to our June interview featuring Daniel from TravelWeekli. His blog talks about his life in England and his travels from around the world featuring beautiful photography and great tips to travel on a budget.
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DITS: Who is Travelweekli? Tell us about you, your blog and your mission.

Daniel: Travelweekli is a travel blog showcasing the beautiful world we live in helping people travel and save money doing so. As well as this, helping people be more eco-friendly while travelling.
DITS: How did you come up with your blog name spelling?
Daniel: Well as part of my IT university degree, I had to make a website on WordPress and I made one that was a travel blog and we came up with the name TravelWeekly, but it was taken so with little variation, out came Travelweekli. I loved blogging about travel and carried on after I graduated.
DITS: We love the map on the front page of your website to see all your exciting destinations! Out of those places featured, which one would you go back to if you had to pick just one? And Why?

Daniel: I have been to a lot of places in my time and still got lots more to explore. I would say I would love to go back to Thailand , as I did not get to all of it and loved the food. It was some of my favorite food ever!
DITS: We see you offer people resources on how to travel cheap… Can you name a few ways you travel for less?
Daniel: For a long haul flight, I’d recommend booking 6 weeks early and be sure to book on a Tuesday, as that is when the deals tend to happen. In addition to this, you could try to book your flights for a Wednesday, as I have heard midweek tickets are cheaper and when I am looking for flights, Wednesday departure or arrival seems to be cheaper. For a short haul flight, book 3 months in advance or even a few days before you leave because sometimes you can get good deals.
DITS: What was your worst travel experience and how did you handle it?
Daniel: I was traveling in Vietnam for 2 and a half weeks, which was the first proper trip without my family and the longest trip I have done. My phone broke during the holiday and I left my debit card in a Hotel. When we got to the airport to get our flight home, we missed the flight we booked, so we had to get another ticket but did not have the money, so I got my friend to call my mum to transfer him the money to pay for the connecting flight.
DITS: What was your latest trip/vacation?

Daniel: The last trip I did was in January to Berlin for 4 days you can read about it on my blog www.travelweekli.com
DITS: We see you offer tips for other bloggers to grow their social media. What is your most important tip for Instagrammers who want to grow their following?
Daniel: So I don’t have that many followers yet just 21k and growing. The number one tip is to be active with posting and engage with others by liking and commenting on their pics from related hashtags. Don’t do follow/unfollow method on your account as in the long run it will damage your reputation.
DITS: We like seeing you talk about the environment on your blog such as sustainable living and bamboo clothing! We love meeting like minded people who are conscientious about living in this world. How are you traveling sustainably and trying to protect our environment the best you can?

Daniel: So, travelling starts from when you leave your front door, so I am trying to walk more and take more public transport than the car. When It comes to packing for a holiday, I don’t get new clothes for the trip like lots of people do. If I need something, I get it from a charity shop and get sustainable products.
DITS: We love what you’re doing and sharing with the world on your blog, tell us how we can support you!
Daniel: The best way to help me is by subscribing to my newsletter on www.travelweekli.com, so you know when my new blog posts are live. Also follow my social media accounts:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/travelweekli
Twitter: www.twitter.com/danielcr1995
Instagram: www.instagram.com/travelweekli